Constitution is a loaded word, but in any case these are the basic guidelines or principles for the Pearland Facebook community fan page … or “Like” page. This document will be updated and posted when necessary.
The Pearland fan page is nonpartisan. The owner and its admins will not take a political position via proactive posting to fans’ news feeds. They will post news stories or information from other sources to create community conversation. The information posted will not be from a political party or PAC. “Fans” are allowed to post political positions, news stories or information they wish as long as it does not attack another candidate or is derogatory. Comments made by fans will be handled in the same fashion.
Elected officials or candidates are allowed to promote their political positions, beliefs and values on the page at any time — that is valuable information to the community.
Businesses are allowed to post ads to the Pearland, Texas, wall on Mondays. We call these “Manic Mondays.” These ads will not appear in your news feed. Nonprofits and fundraisers are always allowed to post to the wall as long as they don’t promote, mention something commercial.
From time-to-time, the Pearland Facebook page will post ads on behalf of local businesses providing a giveaway to the page’s fans. The owner and the admins of this page do not accept advertising income from the site.
The owner and admins of this site do their best to report correct information about the community of Pearland, Texas. They are not responsible for information posted by fans or by third parties. If we see or are alerted about posts that are offensive or factually wrong, we will act as quickly as possible to rectify the situation. If we, the owner or admins, post information that is incorrect, we will do our best to delete the previous post in a timely manner and post corrected information.
This page is “owned” by David Ruth ( and run by volunteers of the community — it is not run by the city of Pearland.
David Ruth